The Bosnian Academic Society in the EU has launched a petition to pave the way for the abolition of apartheid in our country. Additionally, they demand the introduction of the institution of the President instead of the institution of the Presidency of the state.

The undersigned group of citizens from Bosnia and Herzegovina supports the call of our academic community in the EU, which has initiated a petition:

Bosnian (male and female) – The foundation of Bosnia and Herzegovina – Online petition (

The petition initiates the process of restoring mutual trust among citizens and bringing back a politics of optimism and neighborliness; it opens the way to preserving a common denominator for all people of Bosnian origin, but also to promoting peace and respect among all South Slavic states.

It is time for the diaspora and the homeland to unite on this issue!

Therefore, we appeal to all citizens, institutions, and organizations to support this common project aimed at the good of every individual.


The Bosnian wants his original, natural, and historical right. The inclusive Bosnian does not want to impose identity on anyone, as he accepts all existing identities in Bosnia and the surrounding area, but at the same time, he expects others to accept his choice, which is a continuation of the Bosnian identity from earlier centuries.

The biggest problem of the so-called question of belonging is the completely wrong translation of the Dayton Agreement from the original English language, and then its completely wrong (and harmful) interpretation – which had no basis in AVNOJ, nor in the Constitutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1946 onwards, nor in the constitutional acts from the time of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. According to this inaccurate and of course also unnatural interpretation of the Dayton Agreement, in today’s practice, it is predetermined that three categories (Bosniaks, Serbs, Croats) are given political rights, while at the same time all other Bosnians are deprived of political rights due to this inaccurate translation and interpretation of Dayton, classified into the “non-constitutional” category of “others”.

We do not want to be “others”. We are all Bosnians, and we give our voice to the petition, which, with sufficient support, should be discussed at the European Parliament and the White House in Washington DC, USA.

Then it will finally be possible for Bosnians to be the official designation for citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the census, as proposed by BADEU:

Together we move forward.

Signatories of the call to support BADEU’s action:

Tarik Hadžiabdić, Bugojno Enes Ajkunić, Bugojno Fadil Čavkić, Bihać Enes Ibrišević, Orašje Nihad Grcić, Prozor Derviš Ćelhasić, Jajce Edvin Dervišević, Brčko Azim Čaušević, Kalesija Mato Dominković, Sarajevo Ismar Mujezinović, Sarajevo Nermin Begović, Donji Vakuf Ibrahim Vugdalić, Jablanica Derviš Kilim, Vinac (Jajce) Nudžejma Jamaković, Donje Moštre, Visoko Nedeljko Vučković, Travnik Ervin Sendijarević, Tuzla Kenan Kovačević, Foča,Brod na Drini Duška Vasić, Zenica Sonja Anić, Zenica Aneta Bošnjak, Zenica Pejo Katić, Teslić Esad Hajirić, Banja Luka Marija Tadić, Banja Luka Aleksandar Vuković, Banja Luka Amir Hadžiahmetović, Trebinje Sejad Selimović, Bijeljina Žana Alić, Gornji Vakuf/Uskoplje Nihad Ćosić, Velika Kladuša   

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